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Choice and Control Workshop

To book a place, email:


Cartoon image of pregnant woman with lots of speech bubbles around her in different colours and shapes.

Date: 26 March 2024

Venue: One Strawberry Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4BX

Time: 10.00am to 3.30pm (registration from 9.30am)

The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) is hosting a face-to-face 'Choice and Control Workshop' to shape how people receive personalised care within maternity services looking at how choice and control is planned and delivered across our region.

The workshop will focus on:
  • What does personalised care mean to you?

  • What does it mean to service users and stakeholders?

  • What is informed consent?

  • How do we enable shared decision making?

Workshop Aims:
  • Co-produce a definition of what personalised care is and how we enable all service users to have choice and control

  • Co-produce a framework to support complex care planning and shared decision making

  • How do we define and measure informed consent and coercion?

  • Develop a work plan to fulfil the requirements of the Personalised Care Workstream

  • Respond to the actions laid out in The Long-Term Plan, Ockenden immediate and essential actions and the three-year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services

  • Understand the data and how we measure improvement and success.

Who is the event for?
  • All members of the Personalised Care Task and Finish Group

  • Staff working in Maternity and Neonatal Services

  • Doulas

  • Birth supporters

  • Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership service user leads

  • Independent midwives

  • Mental health professionals

  • LMNS team and clinical network representatives

Why should you attend?
  • Work together to make a difference

  • Identify and influence potential solutions and next steps to defining & delivering personalised care, choice and control consistently

  • Develop shared decision-making tools, complex care pathways and frameworks for best practice

  • Develop service user resources and literature

  • Influence workforce education programmes

  • Hear examples of excellent practice

  • Make connections, influence culture, build relationships and network.

  • Gain an insight in the challenges and complexities many of us face and discuss the tools we can use to overcome them.

  • Peer support

To book a place, email:


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