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Choice and home birth

Updated: Aug 19, 2018

Fantastic vlog from Tamsin Graham via West Cumbria Hypnobirthing's Facebook page.

PLACE OF BIRTH Often we are asked at the Booking appointment Where we plan on birthing our baby? At this stage we are usually focused on the 12 week scan and the place of birth is not something that has even entered our mind.

However.... Do you know your choices around where to birth your baby?

Have you heard of the birth place study?

This is a something I was discussing with my couples earlier in the week, and how you have choices in regards to where you birth your baby and how that can influence your birth experience irrespective of whether you chose hospital or home.

⚽️⚽️ Fabian Delph, spoke of the safe arrival of his 3rd child this week on TV last night and how it was their 3rd homebirth and referred to his wife as a 'machine'. Homebirth is a choice which is often feared but the statistics around the safety of homebirth are often surprising to many!! ⚽️⚽️

Today I am going to share the birth Story of Blake. Blake's mammy and daddy, planned a homebirth and had a beautiful birth so keep an eye out for it!!

Tamsin xx



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