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NEWS FLASH! North Cumbria CCG Decision

NEWS FLASH - Maternity Voices enthusiastically welcomes the North Cumbria CCG decision today - July 3, 2019

North Cumbria CCG board unanimously approved their commitment to sustaining consultant led units at both Whitehaven and Carlisle. Dr Bill Kirkup's review group found that these services are operating effectively and proving innovative and adaptable at overcoming challenges.

The CCG gave a second commitment to ensuring that midwifery-led services operating alongside the consultant units continue as they are important in offering choice of birth setting to women and are in line with Better Births.

Finally, their commitment was agreed to maintaining vigilance and supporting innovative measures to counter future challenges sustaining the above services, and to continuing the co-production work between community and the NHS.

Working together is making a real difference to shaping our local services!

Click here to read the CCG press release about their decision.

Click here to read the full North Cumbria CCG Meeting Papers: Independent Review Group Report – with appendices



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