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Perinatal Positivity

Information and video from

In 2016 Emma Lazenby, director of ForMed Films CIC, first met consultant obstetrician Rachel Liebling. Through her work at St Michael’s Hospital in Bristol, Rachel had experienced a need for education around perinatal mental health. Emma and Rachel decided to work together on Perinatal Positivity, a project to show families-to-be and health professionals the reality of perinatal mental health issues, but also that recovery is possible.

Perinatal Positivity uses the real voices and experiences of women and men who have had mental wellbeing difficulties around the time of pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. We hope it will help you emotionally prepare and find support, if needed, at this time. There is a subtitled version of the film on our clips page.

If you, or someone you are close to, is experiencing mental wellbeing problems connected to pregnancy and being a new parent, talk to your GP, health visitor or midwife and visit our support page to find local and national support organisations.

We welcome your feedback about the Perinatal Positivity film and website. You can take part in 1-minute survey for professionals and non-professionals to tell us what you think.



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